Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

09 September 2005

Question of the Day

This won't take much immagination at all.

Who would win in a fist fight between Dr. Phil or Wilford Brimley? Why?


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

the old guy wins....he may have lost the fight to Tom Cruise in that one movie about lawyers but Dr. Phil is NOT a fighter.....frankly I don't know what Dr. Phil is other then some guy who likes to hear himself talk more then me.

September 09, 2005 10:58 AM

Blogger Josh Graves said...

No question-- Dr. Phil would win. He's got at least 70 lbs. on the oatmeal guy. I mean if Brimley can figure out a way to get Dr. Phil to eat so much oatmeal he falls asleep allowing Brimley to decapitate Dr. Phil by sawing him in half with his mustache...then maybe Brimley.

9 out of 10 times I'm going with Dr. Phil. Anyone who is around pysho suburban soccer moms all day has to be one tough dude.

September 09, 2005 2:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

brimley. period. he says "die-a-beediss" for his own affliction. let that sugar drop just a point or two and he is nutso-crazy. he'd take chair leg to dr. phil and cut his head off with the zipper of his members only jacket. and there is the overlooked and underappreciated point of the tinted trucker glasses. amanda is right... all you dr. phil lovers need to recognize.

September 10, 2005 3:15 PM


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