One Way Streets and Monkeys with Glasses and Skates
Good morning and greetings to all you quesolitos out there who have been praying for the High Cheese's speedy return. Good news: I survived. I have beaten the summer death plague. Hope that you don't get it. It is no fun.
I actually have a question today that I need some help with: When is enough enough? (Is this? --yep.) No really, I mean it. When is enough enough? When can a team you like so much push you to the edge so that you begin to like another team instead? Are there justifiable reasons for ever changing sides, or are you a fan for life and a turncoat if you change no matter what?
I mean, I used to like Hockey--I know, I'm sorry too--and even more I used to be a Blackhawks fan--I know, I said I was sorry. They were really good, but then they got swept in the Stanley Cup finals by the Pittsburgh Penguins. No big deal, I was still a fan. I was still sporting my jersey and ready to play at a moment's notice--nevermind the fact that I had broken my wrist while rollerblading and couldn't ice skate either--(sorry for this big pause, but honesty demands a retelling of this story in a more honest light...)
So my cousin and I are really into hockey and we talk my parents into doing
their boring adult stuff without us and letting us play roller hockey in the
gymnasium at our church. All was wonderful as they drove off. We were lacing on
the skates and getting ready for a showdown. I wasn't a superb skater so I chose
to play goalie. I had a lot of the pads and the glove and I was already a master
of the game in my mind--a true netminding specialist. So for five furious
minutes we played "hockey," which was basically two chubby white kids rolling
the wrong direction on rollerblades and blaming them for our own lack of skill.
My cousin put a few past me, and like any bad workman, I set about blaming
my tools. I was sure that my skates were jacked up, and I had to check them
This is where the fun starts. Most people with any shred of sense in them
would have sat down and checked out the skates. Not me. I was too stupid for
that. Instead I opted for the stand on one skate and kick the other leg onto a
table for closer examination method. Pure physics lets you know just how
retarded I am. So I kick my leg up and of course the other skate propelled by my
own portly mass and acceleration goes rolling out from under me. I fell to the
ground in a heap of belly, hockey gear, curse words, and a broken limb.
During a timeout...not the game...a timeout. That is when and how I broke
my wrist skating. It is not a hockey injury. It is a moron's badge.

So is that enough? Can I turn my back on them and pledge my allegiance to another team? Or are there simply no grounds that allow for a fan to change their loyalties. Is it really a completely one way street--I give all to the team even if the team assures to give me jack squat in return? Let me know what you think. I need some guidance.
Alright, first of all you're a jerk for putting that picture on there - though, judging from the title, I should have known. Second of all, the wrist story is the God's honest truth. What my cousin left out is that, after he fell, he said "I think my wrist is broken." And I said, "No it's not - get up." I have no heart.
August 26, 2005 9:49 AM
Ok I wrote a long answer to this and my 'puter F R O Z E
the short answer(s)
A. Once a fan you are a fan for life...if you are not then you were never really a fan.
B. If your team leaves it's home city you are no longer obligated to be a fan of that team or it's replacement.
C. If a team just "folds" you are again no longer obligated to be a fan.
D. An owner is the is a reflection of that in Philly we have experienced negative ownership countless times and that will always be a case when $$ is involved.
August 26, 2005 12:02 PM
don't worry about the blackhawks. they suck and have no plans to better themselves. they are nick cage from leaving las vegas, and that makes you elizabeth shue for staying with them. you're not even from chicago. i know you like the other chicago teams, but there is no rule about a trifecta... billy corgan isn't as pumped up about the windy city as you are... so cut yourself some slack and cut your losses. the hawks are are a sinking ship and to stay on board is ridiculous... find someone else and transfer the loyalty... there are a lot of teams, i'm sure, that would appreciate a fan with your devotion more than the craphawks...
August 26, 2005 12:40 PM
billy corgan isn't pumped up about anything
August 26, 2005 1:17 PM
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