Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

22 August 2005

Question of the Day

From broken limbs to broken hearts...

What is the worst pain you have ever felt?

Share the story behind it as well, but remember that we are a family friendly site.


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

the greatest pain I have ever felt was an emotional one that I will not share here but would do in-person with anyone who to physical pain (which did not compare to the emotional pain) the year I turned 18...I almost cut my big toe off stepping on a broken Budweiser Qt bottle sticking straight up when I was barefoot...I was attacked by a swarm of bees and I was so "out of control" trying to get away from them that when I felt one sting my head thru my hair I reached up and qsqueezed and pulled out a gob of hair to just "rid myself" of the entire pain I was feeling and lastly I was drug by a motorcycle, barebact about 10' on asphalt. All within 3 months.
But now I have wisdom....and no longer do stupid things :)

August 22, 2005 12:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labor was # 1. But #2 was when I was seven
I awakened in the middle of the night with an abscessed tooth. I had to wait an eternity until morning because there were no dentists available at that hour in Havana. In the morning, my Mom took me to a dentist, and when I saw his huge novocaine needle I FREAKED and bolted. They promised if I would open my mouth I would get no shot. Innocently, dumbly, I agreed to this. The dentist reached in with pliers, no novocaine and pulled out my molar with one mighty, exquisitely excruciating twist. The sound and the pain blinding.

August 22, 2005 11:30 PM

Blogger James Y said...

When I was 21 (that's right - 21 years old), I decided that a skateboard should be my primary mode of transportation. After my parents begged me not to buy one, I went to Atlanta to see my dear Auntie Sheree. I told her of my plan, sans pleadings from my parents, and bought a skateboard at 3pm. By 3:15pm I had fallen off and broken my elbow. This I would not find out for another six weeks. Her chiropractor friend Lee and I both thought that it was dislocated, so he held my arm and yanked my broken elbow around like Border Patrol tossing an illegal back across the Big River. Like Chris Martin, I saw stars...

August 23, 2005 10:36 AM

Blogger adam said...

All are brutal. I give the award to the Cuban lady who endured labor and a truly punishing trip to a hateful dentist.

I pray that you have healed at least physically if not emotionally as well.

August 23, 2005 4:31 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam. I am honored to get the award! ( But, lest you get any mistaken notion about my exhibiting noble attributes during labor, you need to know that I got my doctor in a headlock and screamed bloody murder in his ear, until he ordered my epidural. Needless to say, I got it pretty quickly.)

August 23, 2005 8:44 PM


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