Question of the Day
What food item, regardless of how full or famished you are, can you simply not resist?
For me, it's donuts. I literally go nuts for donuts (don't steal that, it's registered). It doesn't matter if I have just eaten a dozen donuts, and I feel stuffed to the gills, if I walk into a room with donuts on the table, I can't resist it--I drift towards the donuts and I eat one.
What is your weakness? What is your kryptonite? Only unlike superman you are drawn to your kryptonite...meaning, you really want it...and it doesn't make you weak, but your will against it is weak...okay! Bad metaphor. Sorry.
Chips, definitely chips -- although I should add that I count Cheetos as the king of the chips.
October 19, 2005 8:36 AM
pistachios are the obvious answer...hmmmm.....I guess to give an actual answer I would say:
Soft Pretzels....I love Soft Pretzels
October 19, 2005 9:19 AM
french fries, i love them to death. I could just eat them and eat them and eat them.
October 19, 2005 12:07 PM
i, too, love fries but the problem is finding GOOD fries....
October 19, 2005 2:47 PM
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