A Thanks For Our Social Servants
Hola quesolitos! Boy howdy have I been busy. Actually I have been busy travelling. Every trip has been ultimately successful. Many major victories have been won, but none so great as that victory recently won by my wife, the most incredible woman in the universe. She recently experienced the great victory of actual appreciation--nothing forced, nothing contrived, nothing manipulated or done out of guilt, just pure appreciation.
So the most wonderful woman in the universe is a nurse in the ICU--that's right, we care about people. Well, needless to say she works nights caring for the extremely ill in the ICU--a very challenging and often thankless job. Nevertheless she was caring for one of the elderly in the unit--a wonderfully sweet woman who had recently been through an open heart surgery.
Now obviously open heart surgery is a painful experience and this sweet lady was in plenty of pain. As a result she often wept as she was awakened, seated upright, gotten out of bed, etc. Also, she was a very emotional woman as upon learning of Peter Jennings' death (now months posthumous, but apparently hithertofore unkown by this sweet lady) she wept openly. Many around commented, "Look how much she loved him."
Anyway, so it was that the most incredible woman of the world had her patient sitting up after much weeping and a little assistance from another kind caregiver. After begging to have been left alone, the little elderly woman wept but then settled her emotions:
"Look at me!" She exclaimed.
Both nurses continued to care for her and without really examining carefully, they acknowledged her and comfortingly assured her, "We see you."
"Look at me!" She spouted again, a little more forcefully.
Both nurses continued to care for her but did not directly closely examine her, "We see you, honey."
"LOOK AT ME!" she shouted.
Both nurses looked directly at the loving elderly patient who had called out to them only to see her arm extended fully exposing a fist raised palm up and bearing the sweet gift of a bony middle finger powerfully and elegantly--proudly even--extended to communicate her grateful thanks.
Now that is appreciation for the social servants of our world.
Hope this lifts your day. God save the Cheese, and his caring wife.
Thats weird.. cause if palm was up.. it sounds like they were yeah.. getting flipped off...
February 24, 2006 3:58 PM
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