Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

13 February 2006

Olympics, part 1: Why the same old themesong can't make up for overbearing human interest stories by the thousands.

Beloved Quesolitos, you may all collectively exhale while shaking your heads in appreciation that the great blizzard of 2006 was not enough to shut the High Cheese down. Sure it made me cold and made me shovel my walk (did you know that if you don't shovel your sidewalk in front of your house you can get a ticket from the police?), and it made me stay indoors, but let's be honest that last one was happening pretty much no matter what.

Nevertheless, it is Olympics time, and that means that the Experiences of Turin are shrouding primetime TV (couldn't resist the pun on the Shroud of Turin, the city which we know now as Torino). Actually though, I hate the way we show the olypics on television. I mean, there is like a six or seven hour time difference (a better blogger would have researched that...sorry), so if its happening there at noon it is happening here while I sleep, but honestly, I wish they would air each event live, then recap with a commercial free power packed primetime broadcast. I hate the staged feel of the primetime broadcast.

Think about it, the World Cup--also this year--shows its games whenever the heck they come on, all live!!! And you know what, four years ago the Cheese drug himself out of bed on more than one occasion to watch 2:15am matches pitting England against the Dutch, or Nigeria against Italy. You see, the World Cup only happens every four years and so they flex it like they know it. They say, "look if this matters to you then show me it matters." Why can't the Olympics do the same?

And don't blame it on the sports! How many of you watch downhill skiing anytime outside of the Winter Games? Or Bobsled or Luge? Right. And how many of you watch swimming competitions for that matter? Or hockey (sorry Chris, that was a cheap shot, I know)? Yet we come home and watch them primetime like we are fanatics. I mean, the Olympics itself is what make these sports appealing to us for a brief span--flex your muscle and broadcast it live during the day...please. It doesn't hurt this line of thinking that I am snowed in.

Well, long enough for one day. Aryn already quit reading by now.

God save the Cheese--and Matt who is very ill and needs to go get some antibiotics.


Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

LOL I just need the church elders to pour some oil on my head and pray over me.. No Medicine..LOL.. I agree with the non live Olympics.. and we have to get a little thing going with the World cup..

February 13, 2006 12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement with olympic coverage. Show me the sports!!! If I want a human interest story or to see the events from the last time I could find another way to view them. I tune in to see the competition, not just what "they" feel is worthy of showing me.

February 13, 2006 5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and btw- world cup - the party is on!

February 13, 2006 5:18 PM


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