Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

18 January 2006

Congrats, Complaints, Catching it, and being a general disruption (i.e. life ain't fair, but it's good most of the time)

Hola my quesolitos! Hola indeed. It is a really crappy day outside here in beautiful south Jersey, but that is not going to hold us back is it? No sir. I want to start off with an important message congratulating the Chapmans on their baby boy--sure he's just been found out and there are a few months to go before he sees the light of the sun, but still, it's exciting that he will be joining us all so soon. Welcome to you, David Wayne "Tucker" Chapman.

So, last night, the wind howled, I didn't get much sleep, and I ended up sleeping late once it finally calmed down. My bad. Needless to say, I was late to work, but didn't catch too much crud for it.

Important Update: My NFL Supersar RB ran for 112, caught for 45, and scored three TDs as we clinched a playoff birth and homefield advantage in the AFC. His popularity jumped, but by guaranteeing the playoffs then delivering, amazingly I moved in personality from being a loner to being a "disruption." Is that a disruptive move? I don't think so. Oh well...

Making a couple of movies this week, so I will be pretty busy. Nevertheless, you should hear from me. You know i wouldn't...couldn't leave you hanging.



Blogger James Y said...

A couple of movies? This week? Who are you: Jude Law?

January 19, 2006 4:32 PM

Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

Sounds like a terrel owens kinda guy...

January 19, 2006 11:09 PM


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