Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

12 January 2006

Question of the Day

First off, Chopper1 wins the coveted blogger of the day award for his response to the QOTD yesterday. It was clearly apparent that he had way too much time invested in his answer for it to be a spontatneous idea. Personally, I appreciate that sort of devotion to mindless chatter. Wonderful answer. And so in your honor, I will now do the pants dance......Good.

Okay, now Chris will question this as she was so deeply offended that hockey was not on the list of major sports. Honestly, perhaps you put it on the list alongside the other three, but viewership alone demands that it is a distnat fourth. Also, the strike really hurt their popularity and revealed that indeed revenues in hockey just don't match any of the others. Sorry Chris, no harm intended. I hope you still talk to me.

On to today's question:

What is your favorite kind of fruit juice and how often do you consume it?


Blogger James Y said...

Grape. Sunday mornings, and I like it in little plastic containers that I give to the guy who comes and picks it up from me. If I don't have it on Sunday mornings, I make sure to have it on Sunday nights, but in a dingy little room with six other people.

January 13, 2006 9:16 AM

Blogger Tater_Pez said...

grapefruit juice...generally once every month or so

January 16, 2006 5:33 PM


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