What Were They Thinking?!?
Outrage! That's what it is! Outrage. My Bears lost in the playoofs in a game they might have had a small chance in, but instead they gave the game away before they even started it. And you know who I blame? (allow time to guess)....
That's right! Ron Turner, the offensive coordinator. I mean, here you are at 11-5 on the regular season, and you did it by running the ball and playing good defense. Sure, I give Carolina and especially Steve Smith props for putting to the defense, but let's face it: our QB who was starting his tenth game ever threw 41 times!!! 41 times! And it was not because the run wasn't effective--Thomas Jones had 20 rushes for 80 yards--a 4.0 ypr avg. That is successful! Instead, we went pass happy, and then we went home...all without ever playing to our strengths. We lost without even playing our game.
If I'm ever a coach, I'm going down doing what I do best. Power football teams don't have to gimmick their way to a win--just ask the Steelers.
God Save the Cheese.
It's true. the Bears beat themselves - Tillman didn't help matters, but Sexy Rexy is too young to try to make a Montana out of him. Where was Cedric?
But at least your "idiot kicker" didn't shank your season for you. That kick was about as close as I would have kicked it.
January 16, 2006 4:51 PM
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