The High Cheese Always Supports Fun with Friends
Fear not adoring public...the High Cheese flies again! It warms my heart to know you are out there, and I hope I also warm your hearts.
After careful thought, Aryn wins the both the compelling idea award and the quote of the day award yesterday. Both will be introduced in order to provide adequate coverage.
Compelling Idea of the Day: Patco Tag.
Some of you may not be familiar with it, but Patco is actually an acronym for the Delaware River Port Authority Transportation Company. This is a train, known as the "speed line" with 13 stops bridging New Jersey to Philly. Similar to the subways in New York City, if you purchase one round trip ticket from anywhere and you can ride all day long back and forth as much as you want so long as you don't leave the train platform. So her idea basically is to play a game of tag throughout the entire speed line. To make it even more challenging, everyone could wear the same color shirts and we would be easier to spot. You just can't ever leave the platform, but you could ride the train anywhere to escape being tagged. I have to give it to her, this sounds like a lot of fun, and would only cost like $4.25 to play.
This compelling idea led to the quote of the day.
Quote of the Day: "Whoa! I'm gonna have to get some more friends so that I can play this game!"
Kudos inspire me.
An editorial note: Cesar has asked that it be denied that he could possibly be a good kisser. Upon this request, the Cheese is happy to oblige and pronounce that Cesar probably can't kiss at all.
Shout out time: A big welcome to Taylor and Zoltara. Taylor has forsaken accepted grooming standards. Zoltara, you raised me right. Dawn, I hope you still read every now and then, and I hope you laugh. Davidson, you should be on right now, just playing. James, my first born will be named after you. Kristen, thanks for the photos--I will put them to good use. Worsham, hit me up with some pics of your kid. Tater, still waiting on the blog to come--you know you need one more thing to do. Cheeser of the week: Anti cheesis. Last but not least, a shout out to Ray LaMontagne (if you don't know, now you know).
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