Kenny, Kenny, and Bud (feat. Ludacris)
You wanted the best, you got the best! The High Cheese is here to get you up out of your seat and dancing. Or at least to talk a little baseball with you.

I am certainly all for freedom of the press, but if the guy says not right now, then leave him alone for a minute or two. But these two guys keep cramming their cameras further into his place of business (more on this in a minute), until finally he shoved them around a bit. About it being his place of business: I make a strong distinction between what Randy Johnson did earlier this year when on the street, the day after signing the biggest deal of his career with the biggest team in baseball in the biggest city in America, he lashed out a shoved some cameraman. He was on the street! He half apologized and everyone kinda went "okay...boys will be boys." Now Kenny Rogers is in the office (on the field) and a guy is interupting his pregame warmup (the sacred cow off all pitchers). If someone kept bugging me at work, I might get upset too (read: I would throw them to the ground.)
Hear me on this: I do not advocate the use of vioolence to rectify any situation (except unfaithful boyfriends in which case you ladies let me know and I will cut their tires--I am not above that at all!). I am not arguing that Kenny Rogers is right for shoving a few reporters (maybe I am...). But what if "no means no" to the media as well?
So, I am willing to give you the fact that Kenny Rogers was wrong to do what he did to those guys, but should he have to miss out on the Allstar game for that? No way!!! Since when has baseball grown a conscience about the its players' activities off the field and rewarding their abilities on the field. Was it when Ty Cobb was the world's biggest jerk? Was it when the Babe was a lush and a womanizer? Was it when countless star athletes were beating their wives (maybe people think cameramen are more precious than wives...)? Was it when Darryl was snorting the baselines because they kinda looked like cocaine? No. The only time anyone has been kicked out of baseball was when Pete Rose gambled on the game and when the 1919 Black Sox gambled on the game. But wait! Even Pete Rose got to be at the Allstar game a couple of years ago you have to admit, that was pretty good argumentation there at the end).

Whew! That's out of my system. I feel better (read: I am still angry about it). Feel free to challenge me, but all challenges will be viewed as cheating on your girlfriend or wife, and tires will be marked and slashed.
Just a side note: I am pleased to announce the arrival of my brother's blog--the Eskimobot. It is not as family friendly as the beloved High Cheese, and may include some words you won't hear here, but he is a funny and very odd guy. Perhaps the funny thing runs in the family...the odd thing though is all him... I love you all.
Alright. I agree with a lot you have to say here, cousin. Should the "Camera Killer" have to pay for what he did beyond his 20 games? No. That's the time he did for the crime. (Kenny actually said "Should one incident define a career? No." But it does. Ask that OU baseball coach who got canned for using a racial slur. Can Latrell Sprewell be remembered for anything beyond choking his coach? Yes, but only for saying "$13 mill? I got a family to feed." One incident, one bad incident CAN define a career. It shouldn't, but it does.) Anyhow, I feel that if you get suspended for 20 games, it should be the next 20 games you miss. If one of those games is the All-Star Game, well, you should have whipped tail earlier. The man is 43 years old. Act like it. And remember, he got pissed off because a cameraman asked him why he punched a cooler. The next thing we'll see if Kenny and Lindsey Lohan's dad getting liquored up at Lipstick on Highway 3 carrying out hate crimes.
As for Bud Selig, what he did to the Expos was a hate crime. But you have to give it to the guy, he's brought some interesting things to baseball. A tough steroid policy that Don Fehr won't accept. The Wild Card. Interleague Play. Without these things, Kansas City would never have played Houston (in a perfect world, anyway), the Astros wouldn't have had anything to show for finishing 2004 36-10 and the Marlins would still have no World Series titles. The Red Sox would not have won the World Series.
As for the All-Star Game's "This Time It Counts" circus - bullcrap. What does Danys Baez give a crap who hosts the World Series? He plays for Tampa Bay. The way to make who hosts the World Series more fair is whichever league has the best inter-league record. If it's tied - then use the All-Star game as the tiebreaker. I don't like Selig, but he's done some good things for the game.
July 12, 2005 3:03 PM
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