Why ESPN2 Programmers Deserve a Raise
Hola quesolitos! How are we today? I hope this day finds you all safe and well. The High Cheese has spent a good portion of this day in deep sleep and therefore is late getting a word out to y'all. But never fear, I still have love in my heart and breath in my lungs. I will get the job done for you.
Do you remember the good old days when MTV played no music and VH1 played lots of music? Well those days appear to be gone. Now it seems that VH1 has switched its aspirations from being like MTV at its best, to being like E! at its worst. I don't care how much Christina paid for her dog's collar, how many tricked out minivans or motorcycles Missy has, or whether or not Britney has had a fourth husband. Now, I have noticed that the only music channel that still plays music is BET--whose main audience is white teenagers, did you know that?--and the problem is I am not a real fan of most of the music that is on BET.
Now I cannot make the same claim against ESPN and its many channels. If there is one thing they do, it is show sports. Especially ESPN 2. You gotta love the real passion they have to keep this thing going with current sporting events rather than replays. Unfortunately, the producers and programmers have found that there are sadly not really round the clock sporting events happening in the world--unless of course you count Magic: The Gathering Tournaments, Scrabble Championships, Spelling Bees, Arm Wrestling Championships, Poker Tournaments, and Competitive Food Eating Events...all of which I have seen on ESPN 2. One might say they are trying too hard, but honestly, I don't think there is such a thing as trying too hard. They promised a certain product, and are delivering. It is our fault that we would rather watch competitive eating rather than Dutch league soccer. Oh well.
Keep watching TV--it has been proven to help sharpen passive staring skills.
God save the Cheese.
Personally I would much rather watch Dutch soccer then "eating contests"...especially since I have won an eating contest in my day.
I wish more soccer was on television...I have been thinking about going digital or satellite for this very reason....soccer.
As to MTV & VH1, you hit the nail on the head...they have switched roles.
August 30, 2005 3:04 PM
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