Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

20 October 2005

Question of the Day

Alright, serious mental impasse:

Many vegetarians eat fish.

Isn't fish meat?

What gives?


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

my wife is a meatless veggie...will eat eggs and fish and shellfish....but no walking animals (including hopping ones like frogs)
I think she calls herself a vegeterian for lack of a better word.

October 20, 2005 1:39 PM

Blogger Chips said...

Saw a great sign in a fine southern house of smoked meats the other day. It read: "We like vegetarians, we think their funny."

The arbitrariness of "meat" in the vegetarian equation should not disturb, rather just let it add to the "funny."

This is change from my long standing previous position that in order for a vegetarian to be respectable he/she shouldn't touch anything coming from an animal (i.e. the cheese, eggs, etc.). People are weird, I'm just not gonna trouble over this one anymore.

October 20, 2005 3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, some of us just don't like eating the flesh of an animal because it reminds us of the flesh that we have in our own bodies. Besides being canibalistic, it's just plain gross!!!! but I don't have anything against carnivores, in fact, some of my dearest friends are meateaters.

October 21, 2005 9:44 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Vegetarians" who eat fish are... normal.

"Vegans" who eat fish are definitely in the business of Making Stuff Up.

October 24, 2005 6:02 PM


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