Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

23 December 2005

I Have Joined the Rebellion

Hola my adoring public. That's right...two in a row. Yes, you are blessed. I am happy to once again be giving you what your soul longs for and what your body flat out needs--more of the High Cheese.

So, I am now in the minority. I am now in the undercurrent. I am now a part of the uprising. I am now in the underground community fighting against the oppression and inefficiency of the man. I am now a part of the somewhat affluent groundswell that is rallying against tyranny and system crashes anywhere and anytime...

I bought an Apple IBook G4 laptop computer. One word: Simply Amazing.

Armed with this technological prowess I am learning how to feel elite and exclusive. I am reading through the instruction manual and I have just finished the chapter on how to explain my way out of needing a right click button on the mouse and am just before the chapter on how to best look down my nose at PC users who just don't know any better--poor idiots.

Either way, I think that I have a much better chance of finishing my dissertation without anymore files lost due to repeated system crashes. That is enough for me. Either way, enjoy yourselves...I must go figure out how to use the apple key.

God save the Cheese.


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

it is my dream to one day join the forces of apple users. enjoy it.

December 23, 2005 11:34 AM


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