Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

05 July 2006

Back Home Again In Indiana...Again

OKay, quesolitos, I know that it has been a while, but I have been traveling and I have been exceptionally busy. I know that I have neglected you, and I promise to you this day that I shall never, I repeat: Never!, leave you again without so much as a word or notice or some form of daily least until next time. And you can take that to the bank...probably. Alright, so on with the fun!

So last night was Uncle Sam's birthday! How 'bout those fireworks!!! Let me rephrase that: Anderson, Indiana...what gives? I sat and watched holding my spot for an hour and a half so that I could see that??? Seriously, I would rather watch pigeons forage or an insurance seminar. I could have set that off in my backyard. I mean there were full twenty second gaps between minor pops. Really...which towns fireworks display actually includes a segment dedicated to roman candles? Roman candles??? Are you serious?

I realize that in evceryway this is an unfair comparison, but Anderson's fireworks proved no match for Philly's fireworks which I also caught Saturday night. The fireworks in Philadelphia on the Delaware river are something you should try and see before you die. They are not the best in the world, but they are really consistently good. It's like the whole show is almost a finale speed until you actually see ther finale which is insane.

Well, another year until someone gets another opportunity to destroy their hand.

God save the cheese.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Philly's were nothing in compararison to Cooper River's last night! Phenomenal! Also you can't beat Foreigner, ha ha, but they were pretty good. They started the concert very late adn thus fireworks started very late also. We didn't leave untill 11:30 and traffic was horrendous. We could have walked home faster.By then it was pouring rain...again.
It was great having yous here! Love ya!

July 05, 2006 5:43 PM


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