My Most Shameful Moment
Good morning Quesobanditos!!! Perhaps earlier statements have proven a little hasty. The Super College Football Bonanza post will have to wait until tomorrow, because today I have to get some things off my chest. As Usher would say, these are my confessions.
The Cheese tries to be a good man. The Cheese tries to keep all things in persepctive and not get too emotional about anything. But I have to be honest with you...I am after all just a man. And that means that like all other men, I lose it. I do things that are rash. Sometimes I get a rash, but that is beside the point. Today, because he trusts you and loves you, the High Cheese wants to share with you his most shameful moment. This actually is my most shameful moment.

"I hope you get cancer!!!"
The entire room froze and grew quiet, as it should I suppose, whenever someone has completely crossed the line. I felt the guilt and weight of eight pairs of eyes who had that you-might-have-just-lost-your-salvation look in them. I remember thinking they were probably right. But I was too proud to simply apologize and own up to my faults. I tried to weasel out of the most hateful statement ever, "It can be treatable, I mean, I'm not a monster," I was a monster. "Nothing too bad, just like a small treatable tumor, you know." Everyone knew. Everyone knew that that is not what I meant. Anytime someone says cancer generally like that, you know they mean the worst kind possible.
An afternoon of joy and laughter and fun and comradery was crushed under the weight of my coal-black soul and its unchecked passion for the Crimson Tide.
I confess this for a reason. I confess this to tell you all that I am sorry. I have since learned to find more productive outlets for my rage. I have sense learned that college football is not everything. I have sense apologized to everyone there, but now I apologize to you as well. Finally I want to apologize to the most offended party, Mark Clayton, with this open letter:
Dear Mr. Clayton,
I am sorry. I hope you are cancer-free forever.
Sincerely yours,
The High Cheese
Remember kids, even at your worst, the man upstairs still loves you, and so do I. Have a good day. So ends part one of my confessions. Stay tuned for part two: the world cup.
Maybe it is a family issue.
August 05, 2005 1:03 AM
The good news is that the Bible says Jesus will forgive everything except for the mysterious "unforgivable sin." But, frankly, calling down cancer on someone CAN'T be THAT sin.
Calling down AIDS might be it, though.
August 05, 2005 10:13 AM
I tmight very well be calling down AIDS on someone. Good point, and glad you are on my side. I need more friends like you, anonymous.
August 06, 2005 12:40 AM
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