Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

31 October 2005

Question of the Day

What do you want to be when you grow up?


Blogger Rell said...

Athletic Director at a Big 6 (ACC, PAC-10, Big East, Big 12, Big 10 and SEC) conference school.

Of course being AD at Carolina would be awesome -- but any of those will do. When exactly is "grown up?"

October 31, 2005 3:43 PM

Blogger Tater_Pez said...

i want to be the tater....actually i am the tater so i have succeeded.

The answer to Rell's question is Life Lesson # 555
You are grown up when you know who you are.

October 31, 2005 6:28 PM

Blogger James Y said...

A Real Boy

November 02, 2005 9:51 AM

Blogger Melissa said...

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November 12, 2005 4:14 PM

Blogger Melissa said...

How old is "grown up"? it depends on what stage of "grown up" you're talking about...but just to answer the question simply, i want to be a world-class tennis player

November 12, 2005 4:16 PM


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