Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

23 November 2005

The Key to a Happy Marriage

Okay, so it's my wedding day, my wife and I have just run out of the chapel and into the car waiting to wisk us away to our honeymoon. We get into the car and my grandfather leans in and says to me in his slow southern drawl:

"Listen to me your marriage you will be forced to choose to either be right or be happy. Make the right choice, y'hear."

And with a sagacious smile he backed out, closed the door, and sent me on my way to marital bliss or rectitude.

Well, now almost eight years later, this advice has landed me on my current journey. It has been one of my wife's lifelong dreams to attend in person the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC. Well, come thursday morning, one more lifelong dream will be accomplished.

This is great and all, but I have to be honest here and say that this is in the category of things that my wife loves and I really don't love as much--amusement parks, parades, fairs, and festivals. I generally try to steer clear of these massive groups of joy and frivolity. I don't know why, they just creep me out a little bit--maybe agoraphobia, clostrophobia, and white-trash-a-phobia all at once.

Either way, we got a nice hotel nearby and should enjoy ourselves in the rain and cold tomorrow as we kick turkey day off with an endless litany of weird marching bands, balloons, floats (who thought those up?), and dancers. Maybe someone will fall and it will be worth it.

I love you baby.

God save the Cheese. Really.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...we will toss a frisbee in your memory on GAME DAY. Your grandpappy spoke true words of wisdom to ya' and remember....wisdom is far more valueable then gold or silver.

November 23, 2005 6:00 PM

Blogger dawn said...

That is a scream! I hate that parade too. Won't catch me in NYC Thanksgiving or New Years!!

Always better to be happy!

December 01, 2005 11:19 PM


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