Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

27 March 2006

Thank God It's Monday (or, Why Cinderella Wears Green and Gold)

Good Morning, quesolitos. I hope that this amazing monday morning finds you as wonderfully blessed with life as it has found me. First off, this day is special...unique...odd (besides the fact it is the only March 27, 2006 you will ever see): I mean Florida is expecting record low temperatures, a team that most people didn't have winning their first game is now in the final four, and my pants fit a little better this morning. Okay, so the last one is really only special to me and maybe a few people who see me regularly, but nevertheless, it is part of my good monday.

So I am relaxing in my office this morning, leaning back in my chair, looking out my picture window at the construction happening outside and the beautiful landscaped treeline beyond the harvested corn field just behind the construction. As I reflect on human adcances and a planet strong enough to handle it and the magnificent wisdom of God to create it, it hits me...I am about to have a picture window full of wall. Goodbye treeline, goodbye corn field, hello wall. Even further, hello wall with transformer right beside it--and not the autobot or decepticon kind. Oh well, nothing can slow me this morning, because it is monday.

My cousin is closer to getting his dream job, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I am pumped for him. Of course, if he gets it, he may pass out from excitement. He has never been the best at outlasting life's surprises. He tends to faint in moments of high intensisty--like the time he saw a ghost, that was actually a close friend who wasn't threatening at all. But that's for another time.

Life just keeps on getting you?

God save the Cheese.


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

in answer to the question at the bottom of this post. .absolutely...getting better all the time....enjoy the view while it lasts....

March 27, 2006 2:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleepwalking is threatening. End of story.


March 27, 2006 5:18 PM

Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

Awesome dude its good to see your doing awesome..

March 27, 2006 5:58 PM


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