Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

16 March 2006

Shout Out

Too many names to remember, but I am trying it:

Mark, you are a true friend; Becky, thanks for looking out for me; Kevin, keep making music, you are very talented and challenge me to try and be better; Steve, live your life as if you can't get a refund; Katherine, stay as self-confident and strong as you are right are awesome! John, good luck with a fresh start; Tater, go for it, and if you flop, then flop to God's geater glory; Margaret, thanks for being a friend to the most incredible woman in the universe, even she needs them; Sean, missed you this time; Aryn, you are amazing, keep following Him and keep Johnny out of trouble; Taylor, no more creepy hand for a while, and you don't have to cut your hair, but the neckbeard is worrisome at this point; Tito, honestly you were the most overrated Jackson male; Gerry and Robin, thanks for a place to stay and an incredible family; Melissa, I am so proud of you--enjoy driving; Sarah, update your blog, don't groan so much about getting up, and don't pick on your sister for being OCD...good luck in the Secret Garden; Matt, muster every ounce of confidence you have and cannonball into the water; Bret, you astound me with your persistent devotion, thank you; Pam, your family is great--thank you for helping hold them together; Nate, believe in yourself, you really can do whatever you set your mind to (besides flying, growing gills, and other impossible things); Amanda, keep dancing. St. Patrick, your day is a-coming; Wilbur and Val, we love you like mad and appreciate your kindness towards us; Josh, your strength and single-mindedness is a true gift, don't take it for granted; Justin, Duke stinks, but you're okay. Dale and Anna, you are true servants; Shannon, you are one of the sweetest people alive; Heather, keep embracing life; Mike, keep playing and keep focused, keep growing, and get rid of the jacket with the pink stripes. Amber, tell Tommy hi. Bobby E., stay as cool as you are right now; Cesar, enjoy Oklahoma, it's ok; Sandra, Nathasha, and Kiki, fight nice. Let's get fired up! Scott, you are a devoted friend and a skilled artisan (maybe on that last part, but it sounded good); Chris, thanks for making me cry. Tony and Nawana, good luckm with the house. Thanks for being friends. Theodore Roosevelt, even though your quotes were better than your presidencies, we still love you.

Soo many names...

Well, there are countless others, but these will suffice for now. I love you all and can't wait to see you again.

Remember, God loves you and so do I.


Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

I will muster ever ounce of confidence and cannonball into the water.. God loves you my friend.. Hopefully i'll be hearing from you shortly..

March 16, 2006 4:22 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Wow, what a great list. Thanks for taking the time to do that. We had a slide show tonight at the Fiesta and there was a picture of you two. People cheered. I felt a tear but kept it in check (I have to save up for Dan & Shar). Hope you arrived safely and got off to a great start with your new congregation. God bless you both!!

March 19, 2006 9:54 PM


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