Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

15 March 2006

Move to the Music

Here is one more fast ball high and tight to help you get your day started off so right! Tell you what my beloved quesolitos, even though we have been through some tough times, I know that we can make it. Don't give up on us. However, brace yourselves, because there may be a day or two lag time coming. You see, tonight is our last night in New Jersey. I will post tomorrow, but no guarantees for Friday. The really cool part is that the post you get monday will be homegrown from America's heartland--big ten country--the midwest.

At least now instead of the Alabama football game i want to see, I won't have to watch Rutgers and Temple I will get to watch Michigan State play Minnesota. Much better. wait...

Well, our stuff has actually already moved. It should be stored in some warehouse somewhere until April 4th. We are buying a house and possession is not for a few more weeks, but we never let that stop us, y'know.

By the way, it's oficial, the blues are my favorite kind of music to play on my guitar. Can't get enough. I'll miss our band here, affectionately named either Torpedo Jackson or the Last Chance Saloon depending on how we feel. Basically, we were incredible and we consisted of an expert, an upstart, a prodigy, a little indian boy named matthew and me. We made sweet sweet music. Everyone smiled when we played, and that was payment enough for us.

Make your own music today.

God save the Cheese.


Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

YES!! Our band rocks..

March 15, 2006 5:26 PM


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