Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

11 April 2006

Pacers Fans Are The Best!

Hola quesolitos! Have you ever wondered how you can get even more of the High Cheese's running commentary on life? I know you have. Well, one place to check is my buddy Rell's blog where sometimes I guest publish. There is a really Cheesy post up there now about the NBA, so feel free to show Rell some love and check his blog out (even if it's really just checking me out at his blog...he won't mind that either).

Well, I went to a Pacers game last night and was reminded of why I don't care for NBA games. The loudest the crowd got was during the dog frisbee show at lie. Except there were two sets of fans that made my bad seats the best in the house.

First, there was a guy behind me who had obviously loosened up (read: shotgunned a 12-er of PBR) before entering the arena. Now he was a Pacers fan, and a vocal one at that; but even more, this man was a Danny Granger fan. Seriously. When Austin Crosier came off the bench in the first, the place erupted (actually it kind of roused from its nap)--it is interesting how much they love the three ball in doubt the effects of having Reggie Miller for so long. Nevertheless, Crosier comes in to several claps and shouts of acclamation (or the latino version of that word that I seem to type more I the only one that does that?), but this guy behind me begins his diatribe at full volume scream:


What made it better was that this guy would simultaneously cheer the Pacers and heckle Crosier. Crosier, who by the way went for a double double did make some defensive errors and missed a few shots. And every one was greeted with gleeful taunting from this drunk who had obviously lost his girlfriend to Crosier or else was shunned after 50 fan mail letters begging for Crosier to send him a shirtless photo or something. He was definitely worth the cheap seat price.

The second group was three young men who were such rabid Pacer fans that everytime the Pacers did something well they got up, hollered, and one of them even danced--especially after the three ball. In a fourth quarter pull away, this kid was breaking an Irish jig out so hard that I had to tell my friends to stop laughing at him because I thought that he had "special needs," after which we all felt horrible. But after the game, he and his buddies packed up their gear and walked off talking, and he was completely fine. We were dumbfounded and resumed laughing at him with no remorse. Think about it: How big of a fan do you have to be when people assume that you must be retarded to be that excited? Wow is an understatement.

Well, a boring game didn't stop us from screaming that it was "Miller Time" or hollering out "Boom Baby" after every three. I hope you had this much fun on your Monday night.

God save the Cheese.


Blogger Tater_Pez said...

I am running a personal boycott of the NBA due to the fact that they allow teams w/losing records into the playoffs.
Any professional sports league that allows a team with a losing record into the playoffs should have their head examined.
sincere congrats to your cousin....Godisgood!!!

April 14, 2006 8:24 AM


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