Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

18 July 2006

Tuesday Morning Meeting

Hola quesolitos. Sorry about yesterday, it was a long weekend for me, so I couldn't find the time to post. I know that I may have kept some of you up at night, but trust me, it was not without purpose or thought for how distraught you must have been.

Well, here's the skinny on this morning...I'm supposed to be in the tuesday morning staff marathon...I mean meeting.

But it's 8:42 and I'm the only one here.

Do you think they cancelled and didn't tell me?
Do you think they are all late?
Do you think they are playing a mean joke on me?
Do you think they all quit?
Do you think the rapture occured and I'm the only one left behind here? (of course if you're reading this, bed news for you too.)
Maybe they moved the meeting to starbuck's or somewhere more beneficial to me...I mean somewhere more productive and efficient.

Maybe I should quit crying and have some fun in the office while I can.

See you later. God save the cheese.


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