Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

13 June 2005

The More You Think You Know Someone

Greetings from Seattle! I love vacations, but I love my adoring public more (take special care not to spell public incorrectly). Duty calls. You all want to know more, and more is just what I am going to give you. Let's get the party started.

So my wife surprised me yesterday with this bombshell: "I could live here (sigh with gaze of contentment at mountain a silhouetted in the distance)."

Talk about a blow. I mean, I could happily live here as well, but this really threw me for a loop. My wife, who, coincidentally, is the most incredible woman on the face of the planet (I will explain on some later date), and I have talked about these sorts of things before. We agreed that both of us had lived in Indiana and now New Jersey long enough to know that we wanted to live somewhere hot, preferably dry and hot. We were looking in the southwest. This was the plan. Well you know the best laid plans of mice and men... (if you don't ask Robert Burns later).

"I could live here." Simple words, but infintely complex when one considers that not a single day has it been either hot or dry. Those were the criteria up to this point. Hot and Dry. Not too tough. Seattle is neither; yet, "I could live here."

This leads me to think that there are two possible solutions. First, she could be simply playing with me. You know, playing the keep-him-guessing game in order to keep things spiced up. Not a bad idea. It seems to have worked. My interest is peaked. The other option is that she has simply ammended the list of two criteria down to one overarching criterion because of our time in glorious south Jersey. The new super-criterion is: cleanliness. I get that. It is after all next to godliness.

Well, here is to greener grass in other yards. God bless you all.


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