Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

22 July 2005

Public Service Announcement: Safehouses, part 2

Greetings all. The high cheese is pleased to see you again. We hope that this enjoyable family forum continues to enrich your life and make you a completely better person. Although this is highly unlikely, we will also settle for making the world slightly less dull. Should we fail at this, we will always provide a place where discussions of public restrooms are prevalent.

Location: Best Buy

City: Deptford, NJ

Cleanliness: This place gave new meaning to therm rat-hole. Every toilet had smears and stains...Two had remnants. Some walls had the same smearing and staining. Toilet paper was running amuck across the floor, just waiting to fulfill its most mischievous dream, which is to get itself stuck on someone's foot and then dragged through Best Buy. The trash was overflowing. The mirrors were completely smeared. It was wrong...all wrong, and I knew it right as I stepped in.

Supply Level: One stall had no paper--it must have been all on the floor. Another stall did not have a toilet seat (this could be mentioned here as well as in the structural integrity section). The stall with paper had an empty roll on the dispenser, but a three-quarters used roll standing on end directly on top of the empty dispenser. For the record, this is an acceptable maneuver for one day in your own home, and not for company; however, this is not right in a public facility). Amazingly, there were like three rolls of paper towels (Perhaps this is the equivalent of the last-week-of-the-semester's extra credit work hoping to get from a D to an A).

Structural Fortitude: You should doubt the structural integrity of any place that has a three-quarter inch bead of caulk cementing every toilet to the ground with a waterproof epoxy. This is a cheap way of not actually fixing a leak that stems from under every single toilet. The stalls themselves were white aluminium with chrome finishings; however, on e had a door missing, and the others had the doors hanging down all cripple-like. One sink was missing a knob. The toilets did have an automatic flusher on them, but one kept going off for no reason whatsoever.

Capacity: Given the store's high traffic, it makes sense that they would have two urinals and three stalls. But given the fact that one of the sit-down-jobbers was out of order (homemade sign...nice!), and another one kept flushing every thirty seconds, it was running on empty. Spacious, but struggling to meet demands.

Graffiti: Some random writings, but nothing crude or vulgar--mainly inspiring things like "Jim was here--04" or "GCCS rules!!!" No poetry--a real let down. Another nice feature was that the graffiti was written, not etched. This could be covered, but wasn't.

Ammenities: No seat-covers, no blowers, no changing table, just a heck of a lot of paper towels.

Comments: When you gotta go, you gotta go. But hopefully not here.

Overall Grade: D+ (this wouold have been a C-, but with all of the staff on the clock and the can this filthy, people know and just aren't doing anything about it.)

I am never affraid to take one for the team.


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