Deep Conversations and Superlatives in Motion
Greetings avid readers! Welcome to another edition of the chin music (baseball term)--the hardest working blog in cyber space. Well, honestly, I doubt that is really true, but I work kinda hard...sometimes. Okay, so it's pretty easy to keep this up, but I mean well.

For those of you saying, I have heard that word, superlative, let me remind you. The superlative is the adjective taken to its most extensive conclusion. Between the two is the comparative. An example would be: adjective - big; comparative - bigger; superlative - biggest.
Anyway, as I said, you don't always see a superlative in real action. Well, I am on the phone with my cousin and out of my windo I watch as the absolutely drunkest man I have ever seen emerges from a liquor store. Yeah I know, the liquor store...but that can be excused, because he ain't the only one seeking out just a little more of the hair of the dog what bit him. Nevertheless, he was a man in his mid forties (probably thirties but tore up too bad for me to tell). He was so red in the face, so ready to vomit, obviously struggling with an alcohol poisoning induced fever, and more than obviously none too steady on his pegs. He slowly and so painfully sauntered across the street in front of my car, wincing as he turned his neck to look at me. In his glazed eyes...regret. He hurt all over but was trying to numb it. He was the drunkest man I have ever encountered.
I had to stop the conversation with my cousin so that I could comment on it. When I think of drunkenness, this man is what I will see as a mental image from now on. Life can be hard.
Hope that cheers you up.
It's true. I was in the middle of Soul-Glo when I was cut off and heard about this guy.
September 01, 2005 2:14 PM
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