Link of the Week (maybe the year)
Greetings adoring public! The High Cheese is coming in fast this morning, fresh from a run and charged with superendorphins--and coffee--to bring you utter joy.
As you know I work very hard scouring every deep and dark corner of the vast reaching internet in order to bring you the deepest and greatest joys. Alas, not only do I do this, but at times I inspire you--valued guests and committed readers--to do this very same thing for the good of all involved. So it is today, with great pleasure that I thank chopper1 for his commitment to sharing happiness with the group. He has sent me a link that will undoubtedly make you so overjoyed, you may ruin your shorts if you don't take a trip to the "reading room" before this (all I'm saying is that if all that was going on was reading in there, I don't think it would smell like that!).
So to help you on this great halfway point of your work week, I give you...
Look people, if the site itself is not enough, the muzak version of "Big Pimpin'" by Jay-Z makes this worthwhile.
My respect and admiration for you has grown yet more this day. It is as you said, Queso Most High,an awesome link,asking (and answering!)the probing questions I ask myself many days...thank you.
September 14, 2005 8:09 AM
My respect and admiration for you has grown yet more this day. It is as you said, Queso Most High,an awesome link,asking (and answering!)the probing questions I ask myself many days...thank you.
September 14, 2005 8:11 AM
that site was sssoooo sweet i wanna crap my pants.
September 14, 2005 10:43 AM
Incredible! Now I want to be a Ninja!
September 14, 2005 1:04 PM
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