Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

13 April 2006

Kudos All Around...Well, not ALL around, but a good bit.

Greetings beloved quesolitos, and welcome to your thursday morning!!! Are you fired up? You ought to be. Because this is a beautiful day and it is made for leaving work early and finding some double-header near you and taking up residence in the cheap seats with a brat and a ice cold coke. Well, I can dream...

So my cousin got his dream job! That is really cool. how many people do you know who are actually doing what they always wished they could do. Congrats Yasko.. Here's to you.

Just one shout out today: McDonalds for stepping up their coffee game. Here in whitebread, USA, there are no Dunkin Donuts (who make the best coffee in the free world), so i was about to break down when all of a sudden McDonalds asked me to try their coffee again. Superb, and they mix the cream and sugar, which is completely rad! Kudos McDonalds. Here's to you.

And to all three unconnected people who left me messages on my phone in ebonics two days ago, kudos to you as well.

Have a good one, and watch some baqseball today.

God save the Cheese.


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