Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

17 May 2006

Question of the Day

As I watch the building being raised outside of my window, I am watching the steel frame workers walk thirty feet off of the ground on these 12" and 6" wide beams of steel. Amazing agility. And one of them is Amish--not that they have less agility, I just feel like I ought to note that.

Anyway, this sparked the question of the day:

How much money would it take as an annual salary for this to be your job?


Blogger Matthew S. Jagnarain said...

100 grand.. or a little less. i mean its really tough labor.. So yeah...

May 17, 2006 3:11 PM

Blogger Melissa said...

you'd have to pay me a ton of money to do anything higher than 20 feet off the ground on a regular basis (unless i was in an office building, and even then i'd be scared if i looked out the window or down the stairs) because im scared of heights...

May 17, 2006 4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could maintain my current income I would certainly try it....I love a challenge.

May 18, 2006 8:58 AM


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