Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

22 June 2005

How to Ruin Your Life

Greetings to the adoring public and rapidly exploding fanbase of the old chin music (baseball term). Life is great is it not? Another day--another post, does it get any better? [Note: This is rhetorically situated so that you will answer "no" whether or not it actually does get any better. Play along.]

Well I did it. I ruined another baseball player's season. I am three for three on this. Two years ago it was Miguel Tejada. Last year it was Andy Pettite. This year, I destroyed Eric Gagne's elbow and ended his season after just 14 appearances.

How did I do this? How does the blame fall on me? You see, every year I foolishly talk myself into playing fantasy baseball thinking that somehow I will not finish last again. Anyway, I am cursed...or better yet I am the curse--every player that I select first overall ends up completely jacked up and falling apart in all aspects of life. This year, I shelved Gagne sending him in for Tommy Johns surgery before the allstar break.

Please consider this a formal apology Dodger's fans. Saint Louis Fans, rejoice: I had a chance at Pujols and took Gagne instead.

I wonder whose career I will destroy next year...

Shoutouts: Glad to see some new faces--Aryn and Anticheesis, welcome to the strike out pitch! Hi Mom, I love you!!! Dawn, I have started the second book and am doing well. Kristen, hit me up with some pics of the little one. Still looking for the high tater. Peace!


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