Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

16 June 2005

There's No Place Like Home

Adoring cheese addicts, today the most incredible woman in the world and I will be flying home to our home in beautiful South Jersey. I can't wait to get back to grinding poverty, urban blight, and industrial polutants.

On to the really exciting news--the US Open started this morning. I know that you are all really fired up for Golf news, but I promise it won't take long. After watching most of the first round I think that right now the smart money is on Ratief Goosen. He is playing strong right now, but it is only Thursday, and they don't call him Great-on-Thursday-Absolutely-Crap-on-Sunday-Ratief for nothing. Actually they don't call him that. I think he may have won last year.

Beyond golf (is there anything beyond golf?...yes! At least we are all agreed on that.), it is another glorious day in Seattle. Having read my cousin's blog (which is linked on the right of the page) I am fearful of my chances of leaving Sea-Tac on time, but we are praying that it will be fine. Have I mentioned that I hate flying? I really wish someone would work on those transporters. I'd do it every time.


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