Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.

23 June 2005

Welcome to another blessed day of cheese! Glad you all could make it.

Normally a daily post has little to do with the question of the day, but this must be explained: In regard to the question of the day yesterday--you know the Duke brothers' fist fight. I am shocked, and therefore have to comment. People, you missed it big time. Chopper1, what are you talking about? A tie. This is a fistfight, not pingpong. This is a FISTFIGHT! We are not talking about keeping score, we are talking about kicking tail. Anticheesis, regardless of how Bo is spelled, it makes him no tougher. Sure he was tall. He was blonde. He was a frat boy. But Luke was stockier, scrappier, stronger, meaner, wiser, more resourceful, and was a ploughboy, a farmhand. Bo had a yellow shirt, Luke had a blue plaid flannel. Bo had a country music career built on the show, but Luke had a horse ranch after the show. Luke Duke destroys his brother hands down in a fist fight. It is not even that good of a fight. Schneider (Bo) cries after just a couple of minutes. Of course, this probably means he gets the girl.

Anyway, life is wonderful here in south Jersey. Wish you all were here, whether or not you do.


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