Ho Ho Hola Quesolitos! Back by popular demand, the world's most lovable baseball reference is capping another exceptionally stressful week with some leisure. And who else would think of you in his moment of leisure--just the Cheese baby. Just the Cheese. Who loves you? That's right, I do.
Before I forget let me welcome Kimmie to the blog. Enjoy.
So anyway, the most incredible woman in the world and I began our Christmas shopping in earnest this week. Now, we are not foolish enough to go line up at Best Buy at 3:00am in the frozen Jersey morning just to buy someone a camcorder/phone/waffle iron. We are more in tune with catching the "extended sales." You know, when the store has its one day only Black Friday sale (named that because it is the day of the year that most stores begin to operate in the black of their budget, i.e. turn their first profits), we wait and without fail all of them extend their one day sales until Tuesday or so. So this last monday, we both took some time off to go to some local outlet stores and get everyone just the right gift.
In all of this, here are some random things I discovered about life, myself, and Christmas:
1. I can't stand most Christmas music.
2. $6 for a pair of socks is not on sale, unless the socks come with a massage.
3. The coffee at Starbucks is so heavily flavored and mixed that it could be Sanka and we wouldn't know the difference.
4. My second least favorite song of all time is "These are a few of my favorite things." It makes me violently angry. I hate most Christmas music.
5. I love a challenge, but my wealthy-and-has-everything-he-ever-wanted grandfather having a birthday the day after Christmas and requiring two gifts is downright unfair.
6. The Coach outlet is only 10% of the normal price on 5th ave. in NYC. No lie.
7. It really isn't a yum yummy world made for sweethearts--I detest most Christmas music.
8. My brother dresses cooler than me...jerk.
9. My brother dresses more metrosexually than me...fair trade.
10. Trying to plan out every Christmas gift for each relative before you go to the store is a task no more possible than that of Sysiphus. I mean, how many people can you write "shirt/sweater," beside their name before you just pack it in and say, okay, whatever, let's just go the the mall and look.
11. Most Christmas music makes me want to throw up in my mouth.
Oh well, enjoy the stores and have a good weekend. Be safe.
God save the Cheese.