Question of the Day
Which song is worse:
Everyone Knows It's Wendy, by the Association;
My Mazzorati, by Joe Walsh.
Deal with that!
Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.
Which song is worse:
Okay, quesolitos, the time has come for me to express my extremem gratitude for your love which has carried this blog to its 260th post. Not bad! I laud your boredom and your conviction--your undying hope--that I may say something worth reading each new day. I laud your persistence when you realize that I have again let you down, but you kept coming back, you kept hope alive. Kudos to y'all.
Hola my beloved readers. I have missed you greatly. How much, you ask? Well...a lot. If you want to know the intensity with which I have missed you, check out the intensity in this latest hook up:
So, quesolitos, we had a wonderfulk visit from some dear friends and they were great company. it kind of reminded us of how much we miss Jersey, but actually, I am beginning to feel more at home here in Indiana.
Repost as "I have lived through ___ of these 150 things."
Alright, so since American Idol announced two weeks ago that they were covering the songs of Queen, I have not been able to stop singing and listening to Queen. As I have listened for the last two weeks, I have been brought into the crucible of this powerful and challenging question:
Hey there quesolitos! Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend. Things were wonderful here in Whitebread, USA; however, I will comment that since moving here to Indiana, there has been a 1 in 3 chance that a day will contain "Severe Weather." Honestly, a full thrid of the days spent here have been spent under tornado watches and massive hail warnings--thank God for garages.
How many of you watch American Idol every week?
Greetings beloved quesolitos, and welcome to your thursday morning!!! Are you fired up? You ought to be. Because this is a beautiful day and it is made for leaving work early and finding some double-header near you and taking up residence in the cheap seats with a brat and a ice cold coke. Well, I can dream...
If we were playing the game clue right now, based upon the facts before you, what would be your guess right now?
Hola quesolitos! Have you ever wondered how you can get even more of the High Cheese's running commentary on life? I know you have. Well, one place to check is my buddy Rell's blog where sometimes I guest publish. There is a really Cheesy post up there now about the NBA, so feel free to show Rell some love and check his blog out (even if it's really just checking me out at his blog...he won't mind that either).
Hey there, quesolitos! Sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long, but this whole buying/moving into a new house is very very busying stuff. It has had me tied up six ways to Sunday, no lie. Boy howdy! This house is great, and it seems to be slowly coming together very nicely. But enough about that, let's get to the good stuff...
Hola quesolitos! I hope that Monday finds you all as tired as me. This blessed day has been declared National Nap Day. No, really. The holiday makers determined that the first monday after Daylight Savings Time begins is actually National Nap Day. So here's to supporting their decision.