Question of the Day
Who do you think is more overrated?
Queen Latifa or Ice T?
Regular musings about those things most important in life--especially family, music, and college athletics. I hope you laugh. Please don't throw rocks at me.
Quesolitos, it is so hard to hide my excitement rigt now. I have had an experience that only comes about every once in a while--well, actually it comes about every thursday at the local grinder eatery, as well as every tuesday at the Rax roastbeef sandwich place. Nevertheless, what I witnessed was special...and I highly recommend it.
We haven't done one of these in a little while, so why don't we go old school...
Boy howdy, my quesolitos, I have had a good morning already, but it seems like there is always a ton of stuff to do. Recently took a new job and it is a big one. Lots of work to do before I can get to work--basically have to put a structure and some groundwork in place before I can really do the stuff i want to. Big project, but hey, God thinks I am the guy for it, so I must be. I'm all in (poker term).
List 5 songs that you can't get out of your head.
Greetings quesolitos, from soggy whitebread, USA. We are apparently in the wet season. Nonetheless, I am happy. I am blessed to be in the rain. I have a feeling that this is the rain that will bring us to a healthy, lush, green spring. I cant wait to see the treeline green before it is blocked. Also, the more it rains, the longer construction takes because the ground is too soggy. The longer construction takes, the longer I have my window escape. Pray for rain.
Good Morning, quesolitos. I hope that this amazing monday morning finds you as wonderfully blessed with life as it has found me. First off, this day is special...unique...odd (besides the fact it is the only March 27, 2006 you will ever see): I mean Florida is expecting record low temperatures, a team that most people didn't have winning their first game is now in the final four, and my pants fit a little better this morning. Okay, so the last one is really only special to me and maybe a few people who see me regularly, but nevertheless, it is part of my good monday.
Greetings quesolitos, from Whitebread USA. Indiana is sunny today and the snow is slowly burning off. Right now I am sitting in my office thinking about all of oyu lonely quesolitos out there just waiting for something to happen--the phone to ring, the paging system to call your name, the walls to all crumble, something...anything. I am here for you, always remember it.
Well, quesolitos, here's for ringing in springtime with a fat 4-8 inches of snowfall! Boy howdy. And how about being the only one to brave the road and come to the office? Boy Howdy two times! (or, Boy Howdy, Boy Howdy!)
Alright, today's QOTD calls for some creativity, so right-brained people of the world celebrate.
Hola quesolitos and welcome to the first day of spring. Woohoo! I've not had this much fun in...well...okay, so I have had this much fun and more fairly recently, but that is not the point. The point is that no matter how crappy the weather is today, and it is fairly crappy here in my new home, it is still spring. That means that the words of the old prophet, Eddie Vedder, are true when he writes, "No matter how cold the winter, there's a spring time ahead." Ahh...the truth of those words.
Too many names to remember, but I am trying it:
Well, the day has come quesolitos--I almost wrote "my little quesolitos, but then translated that would be "my little little cheeses," which is absolutely ridiculous, so I edited. See, that's how much I care, even after the highly suspect and extraordinarily shabby answering--or not answering--of yesterday's QOTD. No one has something to send to a flame, a dawg, a friend, a buddy, a chum, a pal, a sibling, a brother (the way they mean it on the street). You know. Anyway...
The following should be read in smarmy late night dj voice for full affect:
Here is one more fast ball high and tight to help you get your day started off so right! Tell you what my beloved quesolitos, even though we have been through some tough times, I know that we can make it. Don't give up on us. However, brace yourselves, because there may be a day or two lag time coming. You see, tonight is our last night in New Jersey. I will post tomorrow, but no guarantees for Friday. The really cool part is that the post you get monday will be homegrown from America's heartland--big ten country--the midwest.
Hola quesolitos and buenos dias. Today is a glorious day--if you just love Tuesdays then throw your hands up, because you are sure enough getting one. God was kind enough to give you this one so please don't waste it.
Hola quesolitos. I hope that this wonderful global-warming-enhanced day finds you all as heated up as we are here in South Jersey, where we are scheduled to hit 80 degrees later today. Boy Howdy!
This one is a two parter:
Buenos Dias mis quesolitos! Boy howdy! It was over 65 degrees here in South Jersey yesterday! 65! And just try and deny global warming to me...see if I listen.
Given the choice, would you rather watch a streetfight involving knives or screwdrivers?
Hola my beloved quesolitos.It is time to update the old moving countdown: Overall, it is only 8 days until we move to the heartland, the midwest. But more accurately it is only 4 days until our stuff is moved, which means--due to my bad math--we have roughly four day to live here without our furnishings. I never said I was a mathlete, and somewhere in there there must have been some long division, which is usually where I go wrong.
After such a rousing response to yesterday's question i am not sure you have really earned another one, but I will be generous...
Hola quesolitos! So today the Cheese has to go be all professional and ply his trade among the academic elites. Yepper, today is the day I go to teach at the old seminary. They bring me in, I rough them up, they let them loose, and it's over. Honestly, it gets me pretty excited, because it gives me a small taste of what all of this study has been about. I am very close to being through with all of this schooling, and I have already reached my own personal end---I'm simply too close to the end to quit now. It's gut check time. It's all about who wants it most. And I want it most. My gut is checked. I have no idea what that means exactly.
Howdy Quesolitos, the most incredible woman in the world and yours truly, everyone's favorite fastball high and tight, have returned from their world travels (actually we went to Houston to see my extended family). We lived to tell about it, so it must have been a successful and enjoyable trip. But let me tell you about two things I have learned about myself while on this trip: